I have been very selfish as of late, worrying about the future and the "what if's?"... While I don't believe that I take most things for granted, I have not taken the time to tell everyone who's in my "support system" how much they mean to me. I have put the world on my own shoulders, taking your blessings and confidence in my talents in vain. I am so sorry.
To my family, especially my future husband Tony, thank you for doing your best to keep me from losing my mind. I don't even want to think about where I may be today if it weren't for you! And, I want to say that I'm sorry for not always being grateful for today and how wonderful life is at this very moment; I have been trying so hard to stop worrying for the future, that there are greater powers who have wonderful plans for me (my friendship/relationship with Tony is undeniable proof of this!). I am going to put my worries out there and let the universe take care of them; God knows I have done my part, as have all of you, to get here, to this very point in time. I am finally taking that leap of faith and entrusting my troubles to the Powers That Be. And this (truly, finally) gives me great peace and an overwhelming feeling of the love I have from you all. I hope you feel it coming right back to you, today and every day!
Yes, Nicole, God knows you are doing your part and He is always with you in your heart. Trust in Him and His love for you, give all your life and your concerns to Him, just hand them over to Him (because He really IS in control) and be at peace. God DOES have great plans for you, if only you will take a deep breath and believe! He loves you always & unconditionally, just as your family and Tony do. Always keep that on your mind and in your heart. Go forward with faith in God and in your plans. All will be well. Much love, G